What fabulous design can you create on your OGees Board?

Advantages of OGees Board

As a seed beader, you have no doubt encountered frustrations in creating a design and stringing it. Among the frustrations I have experienced:

1. Not having a tool with which I can create a design with the actual beads I plan to use in the finished piece. I prefer to design with the actual beads so I can see how the colors interact. With grid paper / colored pencils, the bead colors are never reflected accurately.

2. And try to erase a tiny box to change the color! Or worse, changing out the design and the colors. How many grids need to be drawn to create a single design?

3. Assuming I could get past the grid paper / color pencils phase, then comes the stringing. Counting and stringing from several piles of beads is maddening, especially when the design is complex. When the wrong bead is threaded, the error isn’t apparent until many rows later.

OGees Seed Beading Design Board was invented to alleviate such frustrations. Solutions to these frustrations:

1. Using the included tweezers, create your design by placing the beads on OGees Board.

2. If you want to change the design, merely pick up the bead(s) from OGees Board and replace with other beads.

3. Upon completion, beads can be picked up directly from OGees Board with needle and thread. 

OGees Board allows for beaded designs using bead sizes from 8/0 to 15/0. OGees Board is 2 sided, allowing a variety of stitched designs.

Side One is designed for peyote (even and odd count) and brick stitch designs. This side can also be used to design bead crochet, beaded kumihimo and tubular peyote designs. Side One is easily recognizable by the offset, or staggered dimples.

Off set / staggered small dimples (54 x 129 rows)

The small dimples can be used for 15/0 and 11/0 beads.

Off set / staggered large dimples (41 x 196 rows)

The large dimples can be used for 8/0 and 11/0 beads. Note size 11/0 can be used on either the small and large dimples.

Either sized dimples can be used to create bead crochet, beaded kumihimo and tubular peyote designs.

Side Two is designed for loom, square, herringbone, right angle, and ladder stitch designs. This side can also be used to design bead crochet and beaded kumihimo designs. Side Two is easily recognizable by the straight row dimples.

Straight row small dimples (54 x 129 rows)

OGees Board allows for beaded designs from 8/0 to 15/0. The small dimples can be used for 15/0 and 11/0 beads.

Straight row large dimples (40 x 97 rows)

The large dimples can be used for 8/0 and 11/0 beads. Note size 11/0 can be used on either the small and large dimples.